Coal Screening Machine

coal screening machine
coal screening machine
  • Square hole perforated plate sieves: 150 mm, 50 mm, 18 mm openings, made of 2 mm AISI 304 stainless sheet
  • Can accomodate up to 3 circular sieves (Ø 600 mm). Max. 30 kg coal can be handled in one operation
  • Square hole perforated plate sieves: 150 mm, 50 mm, 18 mm openings, made of 2 mm AISI 304 stainless sheet
  • Can accomodate up to 3 circular sieves (Ø 600 mm). Max. 30 kg coal can be handled in one operation
  • Electrical vibrating motor: 0.25 kW, 1400 rpm, 380 V, 3 p, 50 Hz

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