Core Sampling Machine (Vertical-Horizontal)

core sampling machine (vertical-horizontal)
core sampling machine (vertical-horizontal)
  • Cutting exactly perpendicular to the ground with wheeled stand
  • Provided with a water feed adaptor on the main shaft to cool and clean the drilling tool during drilling
  • Cutting exactly perpendicular to the ground with wheeled stand
  • Can operate with Ø 25,4 mm , 54.74 mm, 75 mm, 100 mm ,125 mm,150 mm diameter Core drills
  • Provided with a water feed adaptor on the main shaft to cool and clean the drilling tool during drilling
  • 2800 Watts, 220 V, 1 p. 2 speed electrical motor:

         1. speed 450 rpm
         2. speed 900 rpm

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